The Department was setup in 1974 to promote higher studies and research in Arabic language and literature in Kerala. To realize this objective, the department offers certificate, diploma, master and doctoral level programmes in Arabic. The effort of its faculty in teaching and research areas has been well recognised. Six of its former faculty members, Prof. S.E.A. Nadvi (1992), Prof. E.K. Ahmed Kutty (2002), Prof. K.V. Veeran Moideen (2004), Prof. K.M. Mohamed (2005), Prof. Ahmed Ibrahim Rahmathullah (2014) and Prof. N.A. Mohamed Abdul Kader (2018) have been conferred the prestigious Presidents Award for their outstanding contributions to the field of Arabic literature.While the post graduate programmes prepare students for academic pursuits, the certificate and diploma courses are designed to equip students to handle Arabic language with ease. On the research front, the Department faculty have completed two major research projects with financial....